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White Horse

Dressage Saddles

Deuber & Partner - The Saddlemaker

Horse Riding in Arena

A range of Dressage saddle designs are available to fit both horse and rider at all levels providing comfort and support to both.
Top Quality soft veg tan leather. Large choice of customisation with leather colours and bling options on some models that can set you and your horse apart from the crowd.

The SMART™ saddle range comprises of discipline-specific and multi-discipline saddle models, with a choice of two base panels to accommodate a wide range of back profiles:


SMART Elite – fits most horseback shapes and wither profiles - from ponies to thoroughbreds and everything in between


SMART Native – ideal for wide, flat, or short back shapes with little or no wither”

SMART™ Saddle Treeless Study

Read the study below from from Anne Bondi. Researchers at Michigan State University carried out a comparison of pressure distribution under a conventional saddle and a treeless saddle.

For Best Price available and Superb Support for SMART™ saddles you can reach out to me in whichever way works best for you below -  

White Horse

SMART™ ELITE Saddle Range

With enhanced features developed for easier fitting to the modern sport horse; the SMART Elite saddle range is readily fitted to both higher, longer withers, whilst remaining fully flexible to accommodate even the broadest backs thanks to the profile of the base panels and flexible core. This highly adaptable saddle range is designed to be easily adjusted between horses and disciplines.


  • SMART™ Elite base panels – Deeper panels with a larger surface area, to support and lift the saddle on a wide range of back shapes

  • Contoured shape – upswept core to create clearance around a prominent wither


Unparalleled horse: rider synchrony, fantastic rider balance and easy fitting, even to high wither shapes.


Fully flexible, high performance jump saddle


Contoured base profile for easier fitting for sports horse back shapes and the new SMART 2.0 close contact seat.


Based on the original SMART™ Elite Jump saddle to meet the extra demands and precision required by high performance horses and riders during jumping and fast work.


Featuring the same high specification design as the SMART™ saddle range but reduced in size to accommodate the smaller child & pony.


All round multi-discipline saddle


Horse and rider comfort and security for all round riding

White Horse

SMART™ NATIVE Saddle Range

The SMART™ NATIVE saddle range provides a secure and stable saddle, primarily for types with little wither and a rounder back shape.


  • low profile base panel specifically designed for increased stability on flatter back shapes


It features the same high specification and design as the SMART™ NATIVE saddle but is reduced in size to accommodate the smaller child & pony.


The ultra-traditional looking SMART™ NATIVE Show saddle is popular in the show ring. The flexible close contact design and stylish cut of the knee flap shows off the horse's shoulder and movement to greatest effect.


SMART™ FlexTech Technology ensures professional level performance from your VSD saddle with the comfort and security required for multi-discipline riding.


Ever popular, multi-discipline saddle for active horses & ponies with round back profiles


High performance saddle with enhanced features for round or low-wither back profiles


Closest-fit design ensures a secure and balanced ride when jumping with rounder back profiles

For Best Price available and Superb Support for SMART™ saddles you can reach out to me in whichever way works best for you below -  

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